Interactive digital worlds for brand communication or education and entertainment are bringing fun and information to your users.
At home on all devices.
Whether on online platforms, self-hosted servers or location-based, interactive worlds can be offered to your customers anywhere.
The digital twin warehouse
Simulate production processes.Is our production "sim ready"?.
Simulate complex production workflows with NVIDIA Omniverse
before they are built.
Video streaming with real-time graphics and social media.
With our own app I+S TV, social media content can be quickly implemented into a real-time 3D scene and played out as a video stream. This way, automatic programs for events or special events can be created. For example, streams were created for the US and German federal elections.
Space Cemetry
On a remote asteroid, you can visit an exhibition of the long-gone spacecraft of the 20th century. Educational game (VR/AR)
The Devils Path
Entertainment with learning effect. The interactive 3D game combines quiz with action and excitement.